私が最初に日本に着いた時、自分が空のグラスの様に空っぽに感じました。でもその空のグラスは時間の経過と共に、振り返るとFLOW ARTS Yoga family とのポジティブな姿勢、知識、愛でいっぱいに満たされていました。
FLOW ARTS Yoga studio
Namaste ( Mukesh Thapliyal 20th of May 2017 )
写真は2017年5月20日のMukesh 先生による朝クラス後と夕方哲学クラス後です。ひろみちゃんより愛情たっぷりVegan Sweets で皆様とお祝いをしました;)
右下_2013年12月Mukesh先生初来日時、雪国石川県の花紫にて:)その後2014年7月に2度目の来日を経ての、FLOW ARTS Yoga スタジオが出来て、2015年5月に長期に渡る来日となりました。
"Yoga philosophy offers us a vision to see this world as a challenge : as a learning experience and not as a problem. When we see the world as a challenge this allows us to access the vast strength that comes from within. If we see the world as a problem then daily life becomes merely suffering. You are the decider of what vision you wish to bring to your own life, please choose wisely and make your life a happy one."
It is my pleasure to announce the second year anniversary of my first coming to stay in Japan.
I have lots of good memories of these past two years; so many things to mention which are difficult to express.
When I first arrived in Japan I felt as empty as a water-glass but as time has passed I realise that this empty vessel has gradually been filled with the positive attitude, knowledge and love of my Flow Arts Yoga family.
I would like to remain a student of Yoga forever and to continue to study and practice with all of you.
I hope that you will keep sharing your knowledge and experience with me so that we can continue on this journey towards total health and enlightenment together.
Once again thank you to everyone.
Flow arts yoga studio
🙏🏻 Namaste.